Every Month.
Salsa Sensation opens a number of Brand new Salsa & Bachata classes.

These Classes are designed for beginners a individuals who has never dance before or have very little experience

Tuition for A class is
$99 for 1-Month of week;y classes.
(No contract or registration fee)

Classes are once a week
Each class is 1-Hour and a 30 minutes long
(4 classes per month)

No partner or previous experience is needed.


To sign up all you have to do is to go to our registration page.
-Add your name
-Chose the class or classes you want to join and submit.
-Add your classes to cart and Check Out

A payment window will open.
There you can use a credit card or PayPal account to make your payment.
After that, you are set,
Just show up the day of the class

Do you want to learn more about a specific Class
Click below

Don’t Let Another Month Pass.
Sign Up Today